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Type: Prayer

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“Matrix of The Holy Blessed One, where else can we turn, / if not to You?”
a woman praying before a sky of clouds
“We signed on to a covenant: / If we take care of the earth / it will take care of us.”
A hazy view of fields with mountains in the disatnce
“After the pain settles, and swear words stop, /I am left with healing of my body. / But healing of body takes time…”
A woman rests on a couch with her eyes closed
“I cannot tear it all down, / rip out the broken heart of it, / and be done with it.”
A person stands on the rocks, overlooking the ocean on a dark day
“I stand confident in the knowledge of my identity, / and am proud of my courage to claim it.”
A person reaches out their hands to the sunset
A meditation before and new translation of Psalm 27.
a pomegranate sitting in front of a prayerbook
“May our planting cause multiple levels of life to abundantly flourish…”
“Today, as I affix mezuzot, as I say the shehekhayanu, / As I step into a new chapter of my life, / I take this moment to acknowledge / That my life is about to change.”
woman approaching colorful door

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Whether you share your story for the holiday or another occasion, Purim is the perfect opportunity to embrace your role as a storyteller.

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