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Topic Tags: teshuvah

Latest Rituals

A guide to a renewal and reconstruction of an obscure Jewish fasting practice called ‘Tsom Shovavim.’
Glasses of tea next to a bowl of dates on a wooden table.
“I raise my voice In the song of prayer…”
roses in hazy summer sunlight
“Return is always possible.”
a blue ocean wave
“Turn and stretch yourself towards your fellow creatures, /animal or human…”
person sitting alone against a world head folded into their knees
“I didn’t fast on Yom Kippur / But I mended my relationship with my spouse and children by being present in the moment and honest about my feelings in a positive way…”
clouds in a bright blue sky
“there’s a message in my muscles but the pain is too loud for me to hear”
A silhouette of a person holding their arms against the sky, set against a body of water and sunset over mountains
A meditation before and new translation of Psalm 27.
a pomegranate sitting in front of a prayerbook
We can become a beriah hadasha — a new version of ourselves in this New Year.
a sprout emerges from dirt
“May my words be embodied. / May my life be lived as prayer.”
woman blowing a handful of confetti into the night
“we wander in the wilderness of our minds / Searching for the illusive path”
silhouette of woman standing before lake with dark trees in the background reflected in the lake. her arms are spread wide.