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Topic Tags: shema

Latest Rituals

“Find the threads of connection and tie them to the edges of your self – call them tzitzit.” 
Hands in a purple-patterned fabric holding knotted white cords, showcasing intricate details.
“I bow to the mystery of One, to the mystery of the call…”
a person sitting at the end of a dock, looking into a lake
Hear, O Israel / the prayer was dance / Adonai Eloheinu / there were no pews
a split image, on the left are trees and grass, on the right are buildings and a road
“Listen to the still small voice whispering your name…”
the words of the shema
“Breathe. I command myself to focus on the words Shema Yisrael…”
a woman spreads open her arms to the sky. She is standing ina. field
“If you were not, / I never would have seen the face of creation.”
two people in silhouette on a mountaintop at sunset
A ritual for mindful and embodied recitation of the shema
woman looking up with eyes closed
“A cosmos of vibrations / Held gently within / This boundary / That is me.”
a woman silhouetted against a starry night sky
“the prayer was dance”
light skinned young woman in a forest, hair blowing in the wind, arms swinging as if she is dancing. she wears a torqouise blue long tank top and jeans, and has long straight light brown hair.
“keep me open to wonder and awe so I don’t lose my way in the small places of heart and mind”
close up on rainbow colored tzitzit (fringes) on someone's waste

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