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Topic Tags: meditation

Latest Rituals

Guided meditation for the Omer
sky of clouds and shining pink rays of sun mirrored over water
An intention for washing hands during Urkhatz
close up of cupped white hands under flowing water
“Imagine a tiny flame behind your navel center kindled by your very being”
silhouette of person sitting before the sun
New ritual and meditations after Shabbat candle lighting
split screen of two photos, one of light-skinned woman with short brown hair, hands open over lit shabbat candles, second image same woman has her hands over her face blessing the shabbat candles

“Come, splendid author / Of every satisfied moment, / Of all that is enough.”

a purple and orange sunset glows across a body of water

Envision your breath as a stream of clear light flowing from you into the shofar. 

a person blowing a shofar with eyes closed

“Each moment a result of God’s compassion”

Person meditating in a yoga pose on a mat in a minimalistic room.

“Help me, God of Old, to see myself / through Your eyes”

Person with long hair stands by a windy lake, facing the water and a sky with scattered clouds.

Nurturing a seed of a quality we want to cultivate

Hands holding a small green plant with soil, surrounded by leaves on the ground.

Questions for contemplation on removing inner hametz

Silhouette of a person standing in nature, looking up at a cloudy sky with mountains in the background.

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