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Topic Tags: eco-friendly

Latest Rituals

“Help us to see ourselves in all creation, / and all creation in ourselves, ourselves in one another.”

Woman in white dress sitting on a rocky ledge, overlooking a lush green forest and rolling hills.

A new Tisha B’Av ceremony with lamentations for the Earth

a field with a tree standing in the distance and pink clouds dotting a darkening sky

How water shapes and impacts our repentance process

Raindrops create ripples on a pond as a koi fish surfaces in the center, creating a splash.

A Hashkivenu prayer in solidarity with Native peoples defending Standing Rock

People marching in a city street holding banners and signs, wearing blue clothing.

Host a Shabbat dinner and lead a discussion about food justice!

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Spiritual insights for the seven species to deepen the celebration of Tu B’Shvat

three purple figs hanging on a green tree

Additional Hanukkah blessings for each night to encourage us to transform the darkness of the year into light

Lit menorah with blue and orange candles in a dark setting.

A motzi blessing acknowledging all the resources that go into making bread

Six hands reaching towards a loaf of bread on a plate, symbolizing sharing or community.

The Climate Ribbon ritual creates a space to express our fears and hopes in response to the climate crisis

Person reading colorful ribbons with messages hanging at an outdoor event.

Readings, blessings, and songs on the gifts of trees

an arbor of trees

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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The Reconstructionist Network