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Source Tags: Tamara Cohen

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A new Tisha B’Av ceremony with lamentations for the Earth

a field with a tree standing in the distance and pink clouds dotting a darkening sky
A reading for the conclusion of the Passover seder about the ongoing journey toward liberation
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A modern dayeinu from the Ma’yan Haggadah

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A reading placing the traditional four children in the context of four daughters and their attitude toward a women’s seder

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A reading to begin the Passover seder about the journey toward freedom
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A short piece describing the new tradition of placing an orange on the seder plate in honor of women

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This essay explores the Purim story from a feminist perspective, and discusses Ma’yan’s new ritual of waving Esther/Vashti flags during the Megillah reading whenever the heroines’ names are mentioned.

Colorful artwork with two faces in profile surrounded by flowers and script in various colors.

The masculine hierarchical God-language so prevalent in High Holiday liturgy can be painful and distancing. This article offers suggestions to restore the empowering potential of the High Holidays for those who have felt diminished, uninterested, and/or angered by traditional High Holiday prayer.

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Feminine aspects of some foods and rituals associated with Rosh Hashanah

a cluster of red apples hanging from a branch of a tree

Traditions for the month of Elul and suggestions on how to use this period for personal and communal transformation

a person with a clear umbrella crosses a wooden bridge in the middle of the woods in autumn

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