
In our backyards, on our porches, and outside our synagogues, Jews mark the fall harvest by building sturdy—yet fragile—structures out of natural materials, symbolizing both human vulnerability and God’s protection. No harvest holiday is complete without its fertility symbols, and Sukkot—when we wave the lulav and etrog—is no exception. Welcome Jewish women from throughout the ages into your sukkah as ushpizot, honored guests. Enjoy the crisp autumn air as you decorate your sukkah, then spend time with friends and family, celebrating your blessings and committing to sharing your bounty with others.

Latest Rituals

Welcoming historical and mythical ancestors

Welcoming Queer Ancestors to the Sukkah

Mystical sukkah guests


“My tongue tripping carelessly over sacred words”

First Fruits: A Harvest Offering

“All of a sudden, there is a new quality to the light”

The Light has Changed

Ritual for voting in the sukkah

Voting Ritual

“I struggle this year to choose who to invite”

Psalm for Sukkot

The Reconstructionist Network

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Presence and Absence: Images of the Divine in Kabbalah

In this study of the Zohar, Rabbi Margie Jacobs will guide you in exploring the Shekhinah, the feminine, immanent, indwelling Sacred Presence, through the use of art materials and reflective writing. Four sessions starting May 7, 2024. 

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