The High Holidays, which comprise Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, are the holiest dates on the Jewish calendar. A time to take stock of our live, seek forgiveness, and start fresh, this season invites us to reflect on what matters most to us and to return to our deepest selves.
To see what it looks like to put ourselves together again.
Envision a shofar made of pure light
Who will make chicken soup for the dejected?
I smashed my father’s statues and stood alone in the fragmenting dark
When the last note is sounded, will we forget the memory of the blast and go back to ourselves?
“When I feel most broken / pulled apart / when every door unhinged / is opened / but feels closed”
When our hearts ache, may we ascend like the letters of the Torah
Praise that comes after pain
How water shapes and impacts our repentance process
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