Preserve the memory of your loved one with a plaque on our Yahrzeit(Yiddish) The anniversary of a death, usually marked by the lighting of a 24-hour yahrzeit candle and the recitation of Kaddish, the memorial prayer. For U.S. Jews, the unveiling of the headstone usually takes place on or around the first yahrzeit. Wall. Learn More ->
Throughout our lives as we explore the world around us, we also discover elements of ourselves. For the LGBTIQ community the process of coming out, transitioning, and experimenting with gender and sexual identity may come with public or private struggles for acceptance, some which may be difficult or painful. Through ritual we can honor the range of emotions and experiences along this journey, support each other to become our true and best selves, and celebrate what makes each of us special and unique.
Baby naming with sensitivity to father’s gender identity
Blessing for gender transition surgery
Turning self-pleasure from a moment of embarrassment to one of beauty and joy
A beit din ritual for gender transition
The rainbow spirit inside of you has been lighting up the world ever since the day you were born
To connect the physical with the mental, emotional, and spiritual, Mayyim Hayyim provides Seven Kavanot (intentions) as a guide to help you slow down, center, and be present in the moment
Traditional blessings for mikveh immersion
A poem commemorating the victims of the massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando
An original song based on Song of Songs composed for a lesbian wedding
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