Endings & Beginnings

Our lives are shaped by a series of stories, each with its own narrative arc. We leave home and welcome people to our home; we enter our reproductive years and leave them; we end one piece of our life’s work and begin another. Endings and beginnings are bittersweet—we celebrate each with the awareness of the other. 

Latest Rituals

Ritual to let go of synagogue building and the kedushah within, so that the building ultimately can be sold, repurposed, or demolished
Ritual for the Deconsecration of a Synagogue Space
“We pray that you carry us in your heart to your new home”
Blessing for Someone Relocating
“Evening and morning, ritual and rite, / making order out of chaos”
Sanctity in Time

“We gather each month to do Your holy work for our space”

Invocation for a Synagogue Board Meeting

“Whatever makes you weep / may it open your eyes”

Alchemy of Blessing

“With the start of each season/We have the chance to plant kindness and acceptance”

With Every Sunrise
The LIMBIC system controls the behavioral and emotional responses that we need to survive: feeding, reproduction, caring for our young, and fight or flight responses.

“Ending yields space for beginning”

Words on Recycling Pages with God’s Name

Printable mikveh guide with blessings and kavannot

Rebirthing Ourselves to Rebuild Our World: A Feminist Mikveh Guide
“we are noticing / we are shivering / we are dancing!”
A Blessing for New Movements and Where to Go from Here

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Presence and Absence: Images of the Divine in Kabbalah

In this study of the Zohar, Rabbi Margie Jacobs will guide you in exploring the Shekhinah, the feminine, immanent, indwelling Sacred Presence, through the use of art materials and reflective writing. Four sessions starting May 7, 2024. 

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The Reconstructionist Network