
The coronavirus pandemic has shaken our lives. Many of us have experienced loss of loved ones, loss of income, illness, fear, isolation, frustration, fatigue. Some of us have put our lives at risk on the front lines as doctors and nurses, grocery workers, delivery workers, and other places of vulnerability. All of us are trying to cope and adapt to a new reality. We all suffer in different ways, and no one’s suffering is more important than anyone else’s. We are in this together. And we can help each other. Below are blessings, prayers, poems and rituals written during the pandemic: from graduation and b’nei mitzvah ceremonies to prayers for health care workers to blessings for handwashing. These resources offer healing, hope, meaning, structure, gratitude and joy during this fragile moment.

Latest Rituals

“May that little spark find its way to my home.”

A Blessing for Warmth in the Winter

“There is nothing like death / To bring a clarity to vision.”

The Gift of a Death Bed: Parsha Vayekhi

Aliyah for Parashat Ki Tissa commemorating the pandemic

An Aliyah for the Anniversary of the Pandemic Shutdown

“Remove the darkness of this endless night”

Another New Year, Another Prayer: Shalom in 5782

“Then, finally, the doors opened. But I wasn’t ready. Not yet.”


“My mind could not remember / Which song was coming out of me.”

A Mountain of Pandemic

“I have plenty more to tell You now”

An Elul Conversation with G-d in the Field

“Mah nora hamakom hazeh/how awesome/is this place”

Upon Emerging: A Poem for Transitioning Out of Quarantine

“And the sounds of our voices, together, are luscious.”

On Re-entering Sacred Space After Quarantine

The emotions surrounding the act of seeing each other face-to-face again are overwhelming

Blessing For Taking Off Masks

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Count On Telling Your Story: A Ritualwell In-Person Immersion

Join us for Count On Telling Your Story: A Ritualwell In-Person Immersion on Sunday, June 9th. Mix and mingle with old and new friends, enjoy delicious kosher-vegetarian food and engage in a variety of creative, thought-provoking sessions exploring rituals, writing, and art.

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