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Latest Rituals

A meditation before and new translation of Psalm 27.
a pomegranate sitting in front of a prayerbook
The sacrificial goat shares a nuanced view of this Yom Kippur tradition.
goat on mountain ledge
A short reading of gratitude for those who support the Jewish people.
people holding lit candles at night
open hand in the foreground, sun setting in the background
Guided meditation for the Omer
sky of clouds and shining pink rays of sun mirrored over water
An intention for washing hands during Urkhatz
close up of cupped white hands under flowing water
“Imagine a tiny flame behind your navel center kindled by your very being”
silhouette of person sitting before the sun
“The entire seder takes place between the two halves of a broken matzah.”
close up of pile of matzot shown from the side
New ritual and meditations after Shabbat candle lighting
split screen of two photos, one of light-skinned woman with short brown hair, hands open over lit shabbat candles, second image same woman has her hands over her face blessing the shabbat candles
Sukkot activities to spur dialogue on hunger in America
three people building sukkah

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