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A blessing over the tallit for Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month

Hands holding white knotted strings, wearing a purple patterned fabric.

“We are thankful for all that is good in this world”

bride and groom at wedding

Turning self-pleasure from a moment of embarrassment to one of beauty and joy

a person in silhoutte against the sunset

“I’m done with people telling me how to worship my God.”

Two matchsticks standing upright, close together, with a single flame burning atop both against a dark background.

A meditation on the holiness of the Hanukkah lights

a close up of candles burning in a menorah

A modern vidui (confession) for serious illness or death

Black and white image of two elderly hands clasped together, symbolizing connection and support.

“Hold my secret / like a newborn baby”

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On being un-chosen

child hands on rainy window

Reimagining the Amidah

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“The sun may set but the light still burns”

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The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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