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These new additions to the Amidah add created to recite leading up to the Presidential the election.
scrabble tile letters spell out freedom
A vidui composed to remember the lives of innocent children, killed in war.
a pink rose, wet with dew
“May the souls so callously severed from their bodies find shelter, refuge, in the hidden space beneath Your wings.”
three autumn leaves
“Provide for those who sacrificed their sacred lives for the cause of freedom, a sure rest in wholeness on the wings of the Shekhinah.”
a statue of the Vietnam memorial showing three male soldiers
“On Sukkot we bring our disparate parts back to ourselves…”
clouds in a blue sky
Rabbi Lisa S. Greene’s Vidui captures the struggles of 2024.
two people sitting on a bench
“As the gates close / May I remember / To move forward…”
the sky through a circular window in a wall
“Hide them / beneath the cover of Your wings, forever, / And let their souls be bound up with ours…”
a flock of birds flying across a blue sky
​Rabbi Maurice Harris, Associate Director for Thriving Communities and Israel Affairs Specialist, shares a powerful message for this moment.
a brown shofar set on an open prayerbook
“What is the path home? / Out from our buried place? / To Peace?”
a person's hands are clasped together sitting on an open book

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