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Prayer for Equal Rights for Members of the LGBTQ Community

People holding a large rainbow flag during a vibrant outdoor pride parade with a colorful crowd in the background.
Sovereign of the Universe, 
mercifully receive our prayer for equal rights for all people.  
Let your blessing pour out on the members of the LGBTQIA community 
who are denied basic human freedoms and protections. 
Instruct our government in the words of your Torah, 
so that they truly know that human beings 
were created “b’tselem elohim,” in the image of the Divine.  
Uproot hatred and ignorance from our communities, 
schools, places of worship, workplaces, and homes.  
Implant in the hearts of those who fear 
and those who hate a spirit of humility 
and a sense of awe for God’s Creation.  
May one day see a nation where all are equal, 
a world where all people are accepted with blessing and love. 
And let us say: Amen.  


*This prayer was originally written in 2014


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