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Type: Prayer

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“May there be space for history and context, may there be space for mistakes and faith, may there be space for hope…”
two people sit before a sunrise
“May the One who Blessed those Before Us, bless all those suffering from the devastating atrocities and their aftermath, in our midst.”
arms outstretched and holding hands
“Our God and God of our ancestors, help me find relief in sleep, and rise renewed in body and soul.”
a person facing the sun with arms spread wide
“May I find peace, / safety, / love.”
A metal gate featuring a Star of David
“As we inhabit one Earth, we are one human family…”
a view of earth from a Nasa spacecraft
“Tzur Yisrael, Rock of Israel, May our devotion remain steadfast”
A goat stands in the Negev desert
“We ask that that you inspire humans to remember our fellow creatures in this time of war, to mitigate the damage that we cause them and to bring us all to a time of peace.”
a dog walks across the desert
“Master of Compassion, help us hold the humanity and the heartache of the Jewish people while also holding the humanity and the dignity of the Palestinian people.”
a skyline in Israel, overlooking the Sea
“May love flow from our broken hearts, and may their yearning return us to our humanity.”
woman deep in thought
“May we not be afraid / To act big and save the world.”
a person stands looking into a sky full of pink and green clouds

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Whether you share your story for the holiday or another occasion, Purim is the perfect opportunity to embrace your role as a storyteller.

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