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Topic Tags: sukkah

Latest Rituals

“All of a sudden, there is a new quality to the light”

Close-up of sunlit autumn leaves with blurred background.

“Draw from me, and I from you. / Let us mingle a new moon.” 

Crescent moon in a purple and orange sunset sky over a grassy field with a rock and bare tree silhouette.

Ritual for voting in the sukkah

A woman smiling at a table with flowers, a lemon, a blue mug, and a poster on the brick wall behind her.

“I struggle this year to choose who to invite”

Woman holding a lulav and etrog in a decorated sukkah, wearing a colorful headscarf.

“We don’t invite guests into the sukkah to be polite”

Person hanging colorful paper chains on a wooden structure, surrounded by palm branches.
Person holding a lulav and etrog in a decorated sukkah.

“No sukkah should be quite the same”

People decorating a sukkah with foliage and colorful paper chains under a wooden roof.

In this place, any one of us can be.

Father holding child under a decorated sukkah roof, with colorful ornaments hanging and sunlight filtering through.

Kiddush: Humanist liturgy

A silver kiddush cup with a blue design beside a folded dark blue cloth on a table.

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