Topic Tags: shofar

Latest Rituals

Envision a shofar made of pure light

Two Meditations for the Days of Awe


When the last note is sounded, will we forget the memory of the blast and go back to ourselves?

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Intentions, blessings, and poems to read upon immersing in the mikveh before Rosh Hashanah

The Beginning of the Journey: A Mikveh Immersion Ceremony for Rosh Hashanah

A poem about what the blast of the shofar does to bring us out of past and present

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Shofar kavannot in response to travel ban

Shofar Kavannah for Refugees

Blow a mean, blues shofar! 

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Now the new year is born / beginning with the wail of shofar / like life begins with the baby’s first cry.

Hiking Toward Sinai

Alternative shofar blasts using everyday sounds

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A reminder to place yourselves on the path of holiness, joy, and truth

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Presence and Absence: Images of the Divine in Kabbalah

In this study of the Zohar, Rabbi Margie Jacobs will guide you in exploring the Shekhinah, the feminine, immanent, indwelling Sacred Presence, through the use of art materials and reflective writing. Four sessions starting May 7, 2024. 

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