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Topic Tags: immigration

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“We seek that our government will offer kindness and compassion to the oppressed who approach our borders and to those who require refuge within.”
People holding signs supporting immigrants and refugees at a protest with festive lights in the background.
“1935, the girls are packing / for America. / Their parents will not wait for things to get worse.”
Passover Haggadah
“All that remains to me / of my family’s life in Ukraine… / are four silver kiddush cups…”
a lit candle glows against a dark background
“Because they left / We live.”
Vintage family photo in a gold frame on a book, with an old suitcase in the background.

“I pray, but I didn’t used to call it praying”

Woman stands in nature, looking up with mountains in the background and a clear sky above.

“Let us transcend ourselves and be the arms / of Shekhinah

silhouette of the Statue of Liberty against a sunset

“May we all know a complete healing to be truly free and whole”

Silhouette of a person with arms outstretched on a mountain, sun shining through, surrounded by lush greenery.
We cry today until we too are parched and empty / We cry until despair and cynicism and immobilizing fear are washed away
a barbed wire fence stands in front of a torn American flag waving against a gray sky

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