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Topic Tags: illness

Latest Rituals

“Why am I not able to take this world of pain away from her?”
A person lying in bed with an IV in their arm, covered by a patterned blanket, next to a leafy green plant.
“When my grandfather died, his body swelled again / fluid filled him, drowning him from inside.”
a pair of glasses sit on an open book
“For the length of a medical visit my imagination roamed the wreckage of another’s mind and hers, mine…” 
silver stethoscpe
A participatory D’var Torah for Parshat Beha’alotekha
woman in desert throwing sand in arcs
Poem of gratitude on healing from illness with the support of a partner
light skinned man with short brown beard with arm around woman in black shirt with short brown hair shown from the back
“Blessings cannot be static; / Blessings need to be in motion”
mountains in dark with purple sky and lines of white light scattered throughout
“Binder of wounds, / Open me to / Unplanned wonder”
light brown skinned person with eyes closed and white shirt on and beige sun hat with head slightly lifted looking peaceful before light blue sky and clouds
“To see each member of our community / With clear eyes and an open heart”  
A man stands on a rocky pier, facing a lake with large mountains in the background under a cloudy sky.

“I see the words of my prayers / wrap themselves around you”

Healthcare professional performing an ultrasound on a patients arm in a medical setting.

“Jacob gave his blessings, / although some say he faltered”

An elderly hand gently holding a younger hand in warm light.