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Topic Tags: hope

Latest Rituals

In re-encountering Torah every year, we get the joy of meeting up with beloved places and dear old friends.
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“we remind ourselves / of eternal light at the core / of the universe”
view of earth from space
These four prompts offer ways to share different experiences of gratitude at your Thanksgiving table. 
autumn leaves turn read while trees to the left have leaves fallen
“sparking hope / for a engulfing glow to illuminate all peoples / through love…”
the moon looms over the mountains in a deep blue sky
“I place colors on flat surface during war – a break / from the news, from the story.”
orange and yellow flowers on a blue backdrop
“reaching toward me, / as alive and animated / as my own unimaginable heart–”
a hand reaches out to the shadows
“Sometimes there is not /  enough space / to contain all of the grief.”
an empty bench facing a wide green lawn
I wish for you an Elul that is full of future-tense language.
the sun shines behind some clouds in a golden sky
A reminder of our covenant with the Source of Life.
green mountains above a green valley
“Blessed are You, / Eternal One / Who drapes the evening shadows / …And passes / Even the hardest day / To its end.”
man standing on rocky beach at sunset

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