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Latest Rituals

A Purim prayer for women’s becoming

Child in royal costume and crown, playfully holding a sword in a forest setting.

A Rosh Chodesh program on immigration and domestic violence

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A commemoration for 11 Heshvan or at the winter solstice of the unnamed daughter’s sacrifice (Judges II)

A group of people with their hands on each others shoulders, offering support and comfort.

This song, written for the Ma’yan Seder, describes the spiritual journey of the seder and of our lives

Person sitting on a cliff edge, overlooking a vast, misty forest landscape.
A summary of facts, characters, and holidays pertaining to the month of Shevat
a sprout emerges from dirt

Reflections on Tu B’Shvat

water running down a mountain through mossy stones

A blessing for our voices during Hanukkah, in solidarity with the Women of the Wall

A gathering of Women of the Wall at the Kotel
An invitation to our biblical mothers and other Jewish women to join us in the sukkah
woman with headscarf draped on her head holding lulav and etrog inside a sukkah

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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