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High Holidays

black and white photo of man in silhouette sitting at the ledge of open window looking out at cloudy sky

The High Holidays, which comprise Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, are the holiest dates on the Jewish calendar. A time to take stock of our live, seek forgiveness, and start fresh, this season invites us to reflect on what matters most to us and to return to our deepest selves.

Latest Rituals

Take time to prepare your personal prayers for the high holidays

a person is holding a blue book open

Practices and meditations for making changes in life during the high holidays and all year long

a chrysalis hangs from a branch, there is a monarch wing visible through it

Blow a mean blues shofar! 

shot of a vinyl record and a turntable

Now the new year is born / beginning with the wail of shofar / like life begins with the baby’s first cry.

a person can be seen on a path surrounded by desert rock

A poem for Rosh Hashanah and beginning of the school year on sending one’s child to school

A child crouches on a wooden log, touching the surface of a calm lake with stones visible underwater.
The Queen is in the field. / The King is in the field. / They have come together, / To bless us
a groom and bride hold hands by a field of sunflowers

Facilitator’s guide and handout for study session on refugee crisis

a person looks out at a boat on the water

A printable door hanger to remind us of our obligation to support the world’s refugees

two large wooden doors, one is slighty ajar with light coming through

“For the sin we commit when we fail to recognize the enormity and pervasiveness of the global refugee crisis”

a fist painted red, white, and blue

A song for Elul and the high holidays

the back of a person with short hair who is looking out at a body of water

The Reconstructionist Network

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Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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The Reconstructionist Network