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Choosing & Affirming a Jewish Life

A woman in a red coat holds a glowing lantern and reads a book in a foggy outdoor setting.

Our world offers a dizzying array of options for constructing identity and making meaning. In this context, all Jews are Jews by choice. Whether choosing Judaism for the first time, or returning or affirming this path for yourself, the choice to live a Jewish life calls for ritual and communal celebration.

Latest Rituals

To connect the physical with the mental, emotional, and spiritual, Mayyim Hayyim provides Seven Kavanot (intentions) as a guide to help you slow down, center, and be present in the moment

water is splashing against a person's cupped hands

Passing down our ancestors’ staff from generation to generation

woman standing in the desert with her face toward the sky

“Our tribe contains tribes”

Five people stand arm in arm, facing a scenic view with mountains in the background.
A poem acknowledging we each have divine gifts.
Silhouetted wildflowers against a mountain backdrop during a sunset.

A new interpretation of Psalm 119

silhouetted woman standing on sand dune

Traditional blessings for mikveh immersion

A woman in a white shirt floats calmly on water, with her eyes closed and hair submerged.

A poem for those at a spiritual crossroads 

Person with a yellow backpack standing in a valley, gazing at a mountainous sunset.

Certificate affirming one’s identity as a ger toshav, fellow traveler with the Jewish people

two arms reaching for each other with fingertips touching

Learn the shehekhyanu prayer in American Sign Language, along with the Debbie Friedman melody

Two people standing indoors. One is signing in ASL, while the other looks at the camera. Abstract art in the background.

Learn the shehekheyanu prayer in American Sign Language

Two people standing indoors. One is signing in ASL, while the other looks at the camera. Abstract art in the background.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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The Reconstructionist Network