Ger Toshav Certificate

two arms reaching for each other with fingertips touching

The concept of “ger toshav” (technically, “resident alien”) originated in the Torah. Today we would refer to such members of the Jewish community as “fellow travelers,” people who are not Jewish but who are committed to supporting the Jewish people and being an ally. Below is a document that can be used to affirm one’s identity as a ger toshav. More information on this topic can be found at:

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On the _____ day of the Shabbat cycle, the ________ day of ________ in the year five thousand seven hundred and _______ since the creation of the world, according to the reckoning of the Jewish people, corresponding to the _________ day of ___________, __________, here in _____, _______, in the United States of America, ________ came before us and said:

I give thanks for the loving relationship with the Jewish people that ______________ brings to my life. I come today to formalize that relationship and to take on the status of Ger Toshav/Giyoret Toshevet, an “Affiliate of the Tribe.”

As a sign of that relationship, I take the Hebrew name:


I see myself as an ally to the Jewish people and am willing to respect and help sustain the traditions. As an ally, I will also stand up to anti-Semitism, and acknowledge the special relationship to the State of Israel. May I learn and grow from this association. May this be a blessing and good for us, for all Israel, and for all who dwell on Earth. 

We pray that the Creating One, the Spirit of all Life, bless _________________________ and sustain her/him. Oh God, whose house is truly a house of prayer for all people, bless us by the light of your Presence and Teaching. All that we saw and heard and that occurred before us we have written and attested to with our signatures here today, and it is all valid and binding. 

Ger Toshav/Ger Toshevet




Witness: ________________________________________________________

Witness: ________________________________________________________

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