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“I want to remember / the sunny days / the spring showers / and smiles and laughter…”
sunlight over green fields and hills
Rabbi Lisa S. Greene’s Vidui captures the struggles of 2024.
two people sitting on a bench
“We come from the Ayn Sof as broken shards of creation…”
a picture of the cosmos, a swirling round planet
“This is the year the answers can’t be simple, won’t come / quickly.”
a sculpture of people praying at the Kotel
starry sky over desert and mountains
This poem is dedicated to Eden Yerushalmi & Carmel Gat.
a breeze goes through blades of grass against a blue sky
“In this new year, let us bring our potential to bear.”
a wooden chair
This version of the ‘Unetaneh Tokef’ prayer refers to the atrocities that took place on Oct. 7.
a dusty road
“I squeeze the etrog and smell it, and my heart swells. / The mitzvah is to take the dare…”
lulav and etrog

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