Today’s Shema: For the Victims of Terrorist Attacks in Israel

Too often when we wake,
When we walk on our way,
When we lie down,
Our eyes and hearts are forced open

Shema, Hear O Israel,
News reports terror in the streets,
Bloodshed flows from people simply on their way
No longer—now buried, wife, rabbi, son, friend

Adonai Eloheynu, My God, My God,
We cry out, when does this stop?
Each life is a world
Horrifically destroyed, Our God

Adonai Ekhad, One God
One life, hundreds of lives, too many
Broken breath opens our eyes and hearts
Across the oceans, we pray as One

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One Response

  1. Thank you, Cyd; this is beautiful and I am grateful to “hear from you” at this terrible and heartbreaking time.

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