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Topic Tags: naming

Latest Rituals

A ritual to say goodbye to a beloved foster child, modeled on the Jewish baby naming ceremony

People holding large white sheets, standing indoors in a room with shelves in the background.

A musician couple chooses to sing a song to their new baby in lieu of making a speech at the baby naming ceremony

singing hello to a new baby

A mother discusses how her son’s Hebrew name was chosen and a special naming ceremony on his first birthday

naming a son on his first birthday

Watch this video about how to choose a name for your baby

traditions of a jewish baby naming

A ceremony that involves adding spices to a blessing filled spice box to mark the welcoming of their third child and to mark the completion of their family

A silver spice box, a silver cup on a saucer, and a braided yellow candle in a holder.

A reading for a baby naming on Hanukkah

A menorah with nine lit candles, glowing against a dark background.

Name changes can be both liberating and intimidating. Taking a brief moment to recognize the holiness of the act, and to affirm the dignity of the recipient of the new name, can be transformative.

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Prayer for Jewish parents as they name, welcome, and make first decisions about gender for their child

Children joyfully blowing bubbles outdoors near a wooden fence, surrounded by trees.

Welcoming a baby girl while marking her with the letters of “Shadai” as a sign of the covenant

baby being tapped on nose

Complete ceremony in which the family of the person transitioning welcomes their loved one into their hearts

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