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Topic Tags: mourning

Latest Rituals

“One day, maybe, the Kaddish won’t scrape my throat raw…”
Willow tree with drooping branches, lush green leaves, and sunlight filtering through, casting shadows on the ground.
A powerful ritual for when you have lost an animal companion
A corgi wearing a small bow tie
“May his/her dreams / be fulfilled / in every one of our breaths…”
two people sit on a dock looking out over a lake
“May the souls so callously severed from their bodies find shelter, refuge, in the hidden space beneath Your wings.”
three autumn leaves
The Reconstructionist version of the Mourner’s Kaddish.
A hand holding a siddur opened to the Kaddish
“There are ashes sunken within us / in places that feel too deep to touch…”
a field with clouds waving across the sky above it
“I offer instead / my presence…”
sunbeams coming through the fog in the forest
An greeting for mourners orienting towards one another.
a person in shadow bent in grief
“A thousand funerals in / one day    a shortage of diggers / an excess of graves.”
headstone with hebrew writing and stones on top
“We are all mourners now / Needing, wanting, giving comfort / For ourselves…” For each other.”
people embrace in tears

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