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Topic Tags: grandparents

Latest Rituals

“This tallis I wrap, / wrapped and feeling warm…”
Person sitting on a bench, wearing a prayer shawl, holding an open book with Hebrew text.
“So, too, with / verbs we learned last week…”
A cup of coffee with a smiling face pattern formed by bubbles on a wooden surface.
” The painting is for grandparents, miles away, / who long for them…”
A watercolor painting of three smiling children sitting on autumn leaves near a lake.
“When my grandfather died, his body swelled again / fluid filled him, drowning him from inside.”
a pair of glasses sit on an open book
“One time, we tried to learn a line dance / where we linked arms in order of the generations…”
an elderly person's hand touches a baby's foot
“G-d forbid we eat grocery store drek.”
clawfoot bathtub
A poem on counting the years with your grandchildren.
children in silhouette playing on the rocks
A complete ceremony to honor becoming a grandparent, either with the new family member’s parents and new grandchild present or from a distance
Smiling grandmother being hugged by toddler in pigtails against a black background
“My grandchild, at three, is imperious”
small white boy in orange t-shirt playing with toys at a table
“This year we have someone new joining our Seder table”
An older man joyfully lifts a smiling baby indoors near a window.

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