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Topic Tags: breastfeeding

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This ritual guides you through the moment you choose to stop breastfeeding, packing up your breast pump and for your new relationship with your baby/child.
Close-up of an adult hand gently holding a babys hand, both resting on a soft, fluffy surface. Black and white.
“my body has been a source of sustenance and nourishment for my little one”
woman shown from afar sitting under tree with red leaves breastfeeding a baby. The woman is white with soft blond wavy hair.

Poem on parenting new baby struggling to feed 

Adult hand gently holding a babys hand, both resting on a soft, patterned blanket.

“Blessings of the breasts and the womb. / So that you may nurse, and be satisfied”

baby bottles

A breastfeeding blessing based on “Asher Yatzar,” which honors the body’s miraculous workings, but with an emphasis on the feminine aspects of the Divine

woman breastfeeding baby under a tree
A prayer for a mother to say before nursing her child
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From an Italian collection of 18th century prayers for married women written by Dr. Giuseppe Cohen and presented to his bride as a wedding gift.
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