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Source Tags: Devon Spier

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may you be blessed / with radical refusal
a person is hiking in the woods on a foggy day
the stronghold / is a brook / that babbles inside our selves
a brook runs along the middle of a field with mountains in the distance

Imagining the human as tree

A row of tall trees stands in a lush, green landscape with hills in the background under a clear sky.

“the trees and we, too, did bloom”


Is there holiness in the bounty that breaks and bereaves?

a person is crossing off days on a paper calendar

As we prepare to trace the world’s beginnings, may we choose life

in the rain, hands holding a clump of dirt with a plant growing

A poem about what the blast of the shofar does to bring us out of past and present

a young person blows a shofar

A poem about spiritual mutiny for Elul

a person wraps their arm around another person as they sit looking out on a body of water with a boat in the distance

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