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High Holidays

black and white photo of man in silhouette sitting at the ledge of open window looking out at cloudy sky

The High Holidays, which comprise Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, are the holiest dates on the Jewish calendar. A time to take stock of our live, seek forgiveness, and start fresh, this season invites us to reflect on what matters most to us and to return to our deepest selves.

Latest Rituals

“I could have sworn I heard the voices of angels./ Crying, ‘Spare him.’ “


silhouette of a person looking up at a pink cloudy sky

“For the Regretter, a regretting song”

a person's silhouette sitting on a ledge looking out at a cloudy sky

“Holiness dwells in this day / and our souls are overwhelmed”

smoke swirling against a dark background

A reflection on re-creating oneself

dark pink and golden clouds cover a light blue sky

“For this is the day that G-d made / To lift you up from your sorrow and shame”


Humanist We Need Justice and Kindness (Avinu Malkeinu)

silhouette of a hand holding a small bonsai tree

Kiddush: Humanist liturgy

A silver kiddush cup with a blue design beside a folded dark blue cloth on a table.

A meditation on the tears of angels

raindrops on glass
Memories evoked by polishing silver for Rosh Hashanah
an array of silverware

A dramatic interpretation of the traditional Avodah service for Yom Kippur

Person holding an open Hebrew prayer book, wearing a white garment, with text visible on the cover.

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