While there are many traditional Jewish prayers for healing, the feminist movement empowered first women and then men and women to create many more prayers and ceremonies which spoke to the specific situations in which they found themselves. The complexity of modern medicine has added to this need for prayers for medical tests, prayers before surgery, prayers after chemotherapy and for each chemo session, etc. In addition, several writers on Ritualwell have created ceremonies to celebrate an important anniversary in relationship to their disease.Â
A script for conducting a Jewish healing circle, with tips on how to lead a successful healing circle
A poem mourning the loss of one’s uterus and exalting the skill of the surgeon
A prayer of thanksgiving for the goodness, protection, and empowerment in our lives
The story and ritual explanation of how a tallit and the recitation of the sh’ma helped allay fears during cancer treatment.
An original blessing to be recited prior to taking medication
A prayer for strength, wisdom, and compassion amidst pain and suffering
A prayer before learning, written for the International AIDS Conference
A poem describing the intense journey from illness to healing for an individual and a community
A meditation for Tisha B’ Av and Shabbat Nakhamu, the Sabbath of Comfort
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