Daily Prayer & Mindfulness

Every moment of every day invites us to pay attention. We can marvel at what happens within ourselves and the world outside of us. Some of us do this through prayer, others through mindfulness and meditation. No matter what form it takes, noticing and appreciating the wonder of life enhances the act of living.

Latest Rituals

An Interpretive and Abbreviated Amidah for Daily Davening during Pride Month
pride flag against a blue sky with white clouds
“Breathe. I command myself to focus on the words Shema Yisrael…”
a woman spreads open her arms to the sky. She is standing ina. field
Too often we fear placing ourselves in another’s shoes because it is hard to feel their pain. Or because it may destabilize our convictions and force us to challenge our own positions. We must fight our own resistance.
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A new interpretation of this evening prayer
full moon over dark landscape
A poem interlaced with words of prayer
starry sky over desert and mountains
This poem includes the Modeh Ani prayer for greeting the day
a bridge with sunlight at its end
In re-encountering Torah every year, we get the joy of meeting up with beloved places and dear old friends.
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“So God created the dawn, painting peaks of blues and purples to the warmth of the black.”
sunrise over the mountains
How do we make it through the bitterness, the darkness, the uncertainty of this time? We call on what we know from that wild, rudderless, nomadic experience of being both lost and guided bamidbar.
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On Sukkot, we read the words of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), a person bitterly reflecting on his older years. Does aging have to be negative, calling everything that brings pleasure pointless?
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The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Presence and Absence: Images of the Divine in Kabbalah

In this study of the Zohar, Rabbi Margie Jacobs will guide you in exploring the Shekhinah, the feminine, immanent, indwelling Sacred Presence, through the use of art materials and reflective writing. Four sessions starting May 7, 2024. 

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