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Type: Poem

Latest Rituals

A special toast written for Purim 2024.
a cup of foamy cappuccino
Karen Webber delivers a micro version of ‘the whole megillah’ in her performance piece.
a row of people wearing festive masks
“Masks help us imagine / it’s history and only our story…”
two plates filled with hamantashen
“I touch the rough bark of a tree and it speaks, but only / in leaves and branches…”
an image of a tree with bark prominet stretching up the a blue sky
“These seeds will fly without help…”
pods of milkweeds, with one open
“May the Shekhinah drive you home in her taxi…”
a heart shape created from pages of an open book
“Being Jewish / shapes and shades my poetry / forms and reforms my soul…”
a hand holds a violin and bow
“even the / darkest, coldest winter still gives way to spring…”
a bird sits on a branch of pink budding flowers
“No words can describe it. / The first time I held her on my chest…”
a new infant

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