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Topic Tags: Palestine

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“Hide them / beneath the cover of Your wings, forever, / And let their souls be bound up with ours…”
a flock of birds flying across a blue sky
“May the descendants of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar drink from Be’er L’chai Ro’i, the wellspring of divine nourishment…”
gazelle climb on a hill in the desert
what does ethereal mean / when is the pool open for lap swimming / what’s happening in the middle east
a person's finger is touching a search bar's magnifying glass icon against a gray background
“And I believe her, / as I march with her colors. / Next time she’ll march with mine…”
The author and her friend march together
“Please one who receives, crack me open so all I do is open…”
a person stands on a beach with arms open wide
“May the Holy Oneness hold us in the Light / so we may gaze upon the Sacred in each other’s eyes.”
a bird flies acriss a sky of clouds, some light and some dark
“May I be humbled to not to feel as though I have any true power to create meaningful, lasting change from my squares of influence…”
a woman sits on the grass looking at her phone
“On Hanukkah, I light candles for them…”
a single candle flame burns in a menorah
“I cannot find the words / I seek…”
a child sleeping
“Today, I call for hope. / Tomorrow, I call for peace. / Forever, I call for justice”
Two men hugging

The Reconstructionist Network

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Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

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