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Topic Tags: mindfulness

Latest Rituals

Join Rabbi Tsurah August for a simple body/mind/spirit practice that uses the paradigm of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life to activate our bodies.
A row of tall trees on a green hillside with dense shrubs under a blue sky.
A guided meditation with afirmations and breath work.
Person sitting on a wooden dock, facing a misty, calm lake.
” It’s only when you stop, panting and dusty, that you notice the way the light turns golden as it touches the ground…”
A happy dog with floppy ears runs through a field of yellow flowers on a sunny day.
Maggid Eli Andrew Ramer shares a new way to invite and connect to angels.
a woman sits on the ground with legs crossed and eyes closed
Don’t fret about terms, / she croons. / Just watch the squirrels
watercolor by author of a squirrel sitting on the branch of a tree
“Each breath a prayer. Each breath a Hope.”
the night sky over mountains
“The pause is mine. Hamotzi. All mine…”
a hand reaches towards a sliced challah
a watercolor still life with a flower in a glass of water in front of a red bowl

A meditation walk that one can do to prepare to do teshuvah (repentance)

a person with medium length hair and a hat is walking on a path in the forest

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