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Topic Tags: matriarchs

Latest Rituals

“Ribono shel Olam / Make me like our mothers and heroines…”
Sun setting over a vast field of red poppies, with a person in the distance and silhouettes of trees on the horizon.
“One more dangerous reading, and I tore my hair /in pain with the story’s daughters, Dinah and Tamar.”
Ink drawing of a landscape with people, animals, and a pyramid. Sun and birds are in the sky.
A beautiful new addition to Eliyahu HaNavi
a wadi stands in teh desert against small hills
A blessing dedicated to all of the women in our lives.
candles set in glass votives
A beautiful kavannah (intention) for lighting Shabbat candles.
split screen of two photos, one of light-skinned woman with short brown hair, hands open over lit shabbat candles, second image same woman has her hands over her face blessing the shabbat candles

Excerpts from a poem which addresses the feminine aspects of God and the merits of biblical women

person with long hair facing away with black and rainbow kippah blowing shofar

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