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Topic Tags: loss

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“We will come together, as we always do, to make fire holy in our lives again.”
Close-up of a lit candle with a melting wax drip and soft flame in the background.
“May his/her dreams / be fulfilled / in every one of our breaths…”
two people sit on a dock looking out over a lake
“The death of a sibling too is unique. It ignites our own vivid / sense of mortality.”
two brothers, one a child and one a toddler, hold hands and walk by a pond
“Sometimes I want to weep for the loss of so many…”
brown skinned woman with dark hair sitting at desk looking at computer screen where an array of faces are shown as on a Zoom screen
“In the ruins of the towers / we walked through daily / you would have found letters…” and added them up to find meaning
Hebrew letters in a book, covered by a menorah with a star of david shining down
Rabbi David Mark offers a teaching following the deaths of six hostages killed in Gaza.
a white rose set against a black background
“I sit beside you / as twilight turns to night…”
a full moon over mountains at twilight
Imagine that the whole world is God’s sukkah, and that we are all sheltered there.
a baby penguin stands at the feet of its parent
“My mother was at peace, so I could be at peace.”
closeup of elderly woman's hands being held by younger person's hands, both light-skinned
“It’s a wonder / How comfort arrives: / From what source?”
Woman in a white dress walking along a sandy beach with gentle waves in the background.

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