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Topic Tags: gratitude

Latest Rituals

A guided meditation with afirmations and breath work.
Person sitting on a wooden dock, facing a misty, calm lake.
“As we inhale, we breathe in this magical moment of this blessed day…”
Person meditating on a wooden dock facing a lake and trees during sunset.
This ritual frames starting solid foods as a time honor the sacredness of nourishment.
A smiling baby in a high chair being fed with a spoon by an adult.
” It’s only when you stop, panting and dusty, that you notice the way the light turns golden as it touches the ground…”
A happy dog with floppy ears runs through a field of yellow flowers on a sunny day.
Our family, so shattered, so seemingly broken, was given new life today.
a person in a purple tallit gathers the four tzit-tzit in their hands
“With all our troubles and our pain, at least we still have the rain…”
raindrops on grass
“Thank you G-d, for worn spines and fragile paper…”
a bookshelf with vintage books
“My gratitude is not for tourists.”
a gratitude journal and pen
These four prompts offer ways to share different experiences of gratitude at your Thanksgiving table. 
autumn leaves turn read while trees to the left have leaves fallen
“We are at the beginning / Of new cycles / In a world that is ours / Transcending time and space.”
two people holding fire poi

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