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Topic Tags: Esther

Latest Rituals

A person poem told from Vashti’s perspective
Stone statue of a crowned woman with braided hair against a blue sky and tree branches.
“Ribono shel Olam / Make me like our mothers and heroines…”
Sun setting over a vast field of red poppies, with a person in the distance and silhouettes of trees on the horizon.
“And every year we lift our voice To celebrate, to laugh, and to rejoice!”
Two people examine a large open book with colorful illustrations and Hebrew text, pointing at different sections.
“This is the first year I thought, how old were those children?”
a brown feathered hawk
Karen Webber delivers a micro version of ‘the whole megillah’ in her performance piece.
a row of people wearing festive masks
“Masks help us imagine / it’s history and only our story…”
two plates filled with hamantashen
An original midrash in word and art from Vashti’s perspective.
In this sketch, Vashti's ghost confronts the King.
This Purim ritual centers on Queen Esther’s strengths and characteristics.
a hand holds a candle
A teaching about how G-d/Shekhinah is present in the Purim story through Her human partners, Queens Vashti and Esther.
a Purim crown
“There is always hope in Adar”
two people holding open a scroll of esther (megillah)

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