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Topic Tags: courage

Latest Rituals

“Ribono shel Olam / Make me like our mothers and heroines…”
Sun setting over a vast field of red poppies, with a person in the distance and silhouettes of trees on the horizon.
“Her light endures where heroes tread…”
Close-up of a lighter with a tall, bright flame against a black background.
This kavannah is for anyone who is about to engage in a challenging or difficult conversation, in any situation that stems from disagreement.
two women sit across from each other in a darkly lit restaurant, engaging in conversation
This Purim ritual centers on Queen Esther’s strengths and characteristics.
a hand holds a candle
“Carefully, I grope in the dark to find my cup. / This cup dwells within.”
White-skinned hands grasp a glass of blue water
“Through the hundreds of mitzvot / You are trying to teach us / How to live a life / In reverence of interconnection…”
Hand holding a glass ball reflecting a pink magnolia tree
“You will not abandon me / even when others who don’t like / what I have to say / choose to gaslight me”
Black and white photo of a person with short hair, eyes closed, wearing a dark top, against a cloudy sky.
Affirmations for courage
Hands gently holding a pink flower, with a brown textured sweater in the background.
Even if you remembered to buy local, organic honey, there is no readiness for the work to come.
a mountain climber on a ledge with the sun peeking over the horizon

“For the Regretter, a regretting song”

a person's silhouette sitting on a ledge looking out at a cloudy sky

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