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Sanctifying Intimate Relationships

A couple embraces joyfully in a sunlit forest with golden autumn leaves around them.

Intimate relationships bring two people together in a unique emotional and physical connection. This is something to celebrate, whether through the public festivity of a wedding, or in the private reflection of immersion in the mikveh. Sanctifying our intimate relationships elevates these unions and gives them a context of meaning and joy.

Latest Rituals

“I stand here today to acknowledge and affirm this moment in my spiritual journey”
black and white photo of white woman immersed in ocean water, head sticking out the water, leaning back, eyes closed
“I wanted a way of acknowledging and bringing my own queerness into the wedding ceremony”
Two hands gently holding each other resting on a patterned gray blanket.

“So dear this daughter / As she prepares to immerse”

Silhouettes of two people sitting on a dock by a calm lake during sunset, reflecting on the water.

“May you join together in songs of praise, songs of joy and songs of sorrow.”

A couple in wedding attire walks hand in hand across a grassy hill with mountains in the background.

“I close my eyes like a newborn as I immerse”

Stone steps lead down into a small tiled pool with partially submerged stairs and a pipe.

“becoming a parent is a significant lifecycle event and merits its own ritual”

A woman holding and kissing a baby indoors on a couch.

“Here, in hearth of heart, / All is made whole.”

A lit candle glows inside a metal lantern with a heart-shaped window.

“Let your whole range of emotions surround you and wash over you like the water”

Person with long dark hair facing the calm ocean under an overcast sky.

Non-Theistic Jewish Wedding Blessings

Two people share a playful moment on a bridge, smiling and standing close, with a cityscape in the background.

“Draped open, the Torah frames, / Our bedposts / Their cyclical story revealing / A midrash made flesh.”

A collection of vintage wooden letterpress blocks in various sizes and colors.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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