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Type: Poem

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“Listen to the still small voice whispering your name…”
the words of the shema
“What about welcoming the / stranger, I whisper…”
people sitting at a Passover table
“And I wish / The fields of Israel’s kalaniot — red poppies — / Were all that were needed to generate peace”
a field of red poppies
“When did the word ‘love’ become a trigger?”
“What is a painter? / A witness (often flawed) who tries to repair / a shadow, the angle of a shoulder?”
a watercolor of a mother holding her child
“The ones who say Zionism is a dirty word, / The ones who choose death on your account, / They only see the ‘ism.'”
View of the negev desert with a small tree
“Later, alone, she taught herself the art / of painting flower portraits. I learned that part…”
a painting of green plants against a blue sky
woman sits overlooking the sea
“Waiting for the release of the Hostages / Waiting for the end of the War / Waiting for the rebuilding of Gaza…”
a peace sign made of leaves
“Help me / set alight the chametz / blocking the integrity of my alignment…”
multi-colored lamps

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Purim is a tale of resilience, standing up and speaking out. Now more than ever, we need YOUR story!

Whether you share your story for the holiday or another occasion, Purim is the perfect opportunity to embrace your role as a storyteller.

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