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Latest Rituals

“May love flow from our broken hearts, and may their yearning return us to our humanity.”
woman deep in thought
“We reach to touch souls as luminous as mirrors / so we might reflect light back to each other.”
An Eagle reflected in water
“I do not live in Israel but I have / tasted all her fruits…”
The Jerusalem skyline
“Reasons mean nothing in the harsh light of consequence / Reasons are but shadows of war”
“Maybe you don’t know about my / passion for justice and integrity.”
a woman sits wth hands on her forehead in sadness
“and so I stumble / through my workday, / weeping in between meetings…”
close up of person's hands on their chest outdoors in sunlight
“I pray for peace in every heart / In every living thing”
sailboat on the ocean with stars above
“I cradled your / black-inked letters, letters overflowing with infinity…”
fire burning against a black sky
“When will You lie us down in peace? When will these hakafot of violence end?”
A person sits in meditation looking into the sunrise
a withered Torah scroll

The Reconstructionist Network

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