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Topic Tags: democracy

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Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer shares a prayer for Rev. Budde who spoke at the inaugural prayer service.
Rev. Budde in religious attire speaks at a podium with ornate carvings and a microphone.
“Speaking is my right. / and until someone takes my voice, / I will continue to speak.”
Crowd at a protest, holding signs. Urban street setting with old buildings in the background.
“The only relief from the sentence we gave ourselves: /Community, compassion, and justice.”
people marching together, holding a sign that says 'justice'
“We can move mountains of hate and rage, recrimination and retribution, toward détente, and finally, equality, understanding, and the love we all deserve to feel.”
green mountains above a green valley
“Realize democracy’s gleaming promise!”
the sun rising over soft tall grass
“may we atone our sins / and learn to embrace life, and each other, once again…”
a river with rocks in it flows towards a mountain
“My student texts: So excited. First time I voted! / Mazel tov, I respond…”
people putting ballots into boxes
These new additions to the Amidah add created to recite leading up to the Presidential the election.
scrabble tile letters spell out freedom
“But we are the powers /that were and are / and will be…”
Person with afro hairstyle holding a sign at a crowded outdoor event, surrounded by others.

“May we open our eyes to possibility, our ears to dialogue, our hearts to compassion”

Hand holding a lit candle with a paper holder in a crowd of people, with blurred lights in the background.

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