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Topic Tags: Abraham

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“The children of Abraham, / bowing their heads / to bury the past and join hands in grief.”
Vast desert landscape with rocky cliffs and distant hazy horizon under a pale sky.
“May the descendants of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar drink from Be’er L’chai Ro’i, the wellspring of divine nourishment…”
gazelle climb on a hill in the desert
“There was nothing in this world or in the others / that could corrupt this perfect garden…”
pathway in a garden
“May the One who blessed our common ancestor Abraham bless and heal his children…”
a stream running over rocks
“Peace for my Muslim cousins / Is peace for my Jewish siblings…”
Vast desert landscape with rocky cliffs and distant hazy horizon under a pale sky.
“Abraham sat all night with the body of his beloved that he bathed tenderly…”
a cave in Israel
“Will we, in the end, be as careful as he?”
ram on mountain in silhouette

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