Zikhronam livrakhah … May their memories be a blessing.
These are words of comfort for those who mourn.
May their memories always be a blessing…
But when faced with senseless acts of random violence,
how do we find the blessings in the memories?
We relive the painful loss of acts of hatred.
We remember the ignorance fueled by conspiracy.
How do we say zikhronam livrakhah,
when we know the pain those memories evoke?
Maybe, in time likes these, when the world has become so ugly,
the blessing comes from saying “Enough!”
Perhaps this can be the place where
the insanity of division comes to an end,
where differences of color and belief
are put aside for the common good of all.
Perhaps this can be the place where
the murder of one last innocent black man,
becomes the beacon of light which opens our eyes.
G-d of all which is holy, blessed, and sacred,
Giver and taker of hope and of life,
You who sets our days and our purpose…
Do not let his death fade without meaning,
Do not let the wounded hearts left behind needlessly cry.
Let all the lives taken in violence, come to symbolize an end.
An end to speaking words, and taking actions,
which spur us to anger, and provoke us to violence.
An end to allowing hate and fear to rule our world.
Bringer of Light, show us the way…
Take us from darkness to brilliance,
from isolation to community.
In your grace, You planted the seeds of peace,
now we need Your guidance to help them grow.
Bring us again the tools we need
to weed Intolerance from Your garden,
that we may finally say, for the final time,
Zikhronam livrakhah… May their memories always be a blessing.
Amen, Amen.