Israeli Holidays

In Israel, Memorial Day directly precedes Independence Day and both are observed with a seriousness of purpose. Memorial Day is shaded with sorrow and introspection, while Independence Day is marked by raucous celebration. In America, we can find ways to connect with these themes and to share in the mourning and celebration. 


Latest Rituals

A prayer for understanding when faced with antisemitism
top half of the face of a woman with brown hair and gold eyes looking up
“May we remember that there is no future for any of us without all of us.”
view from above of the mediterranean coast at Jaffa
“we dance into / promised land”
close up of traffic light at yellow in front of brick building
“In a field of lilies trampled by warriors / the Shekhinah weeps”
close up of light yellow-white lilies with black background
“The stones are full of mystical light”
view of jerusalem western wall sunlit day with blue sky
Chant and poem for Tu b’Av
Daughters of Tu b’Av
“Open our hearts and minds as wide as canyons”
Bridge to Peace

Prayer for Israeli leaders to work toward peace

A Prayer for the Leadership of Israel

Poem by Israeli peace activist on war with Gaza

What I talk about when I talk about love

“The detritus of hatred lies scattered.”

Across the Wadis: In Gratitude for the Ceasefire

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